Conflict with a lover

It is a well-known fact that similarity is very important for the development of crushes and romantic relationships. This similarity is an important basis for determining psychological distance, where we judge the distance between us based on how similar we are to the other person. Similarity is also important for the development of romantic relationships,

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Visión general El sueño es un aspecto importante de la salud que ocupa gran parte de nuestras vidas. El insomnio (un trastorno del sueño) se refiere tanto a la incapacidad para conciliar el sueño como a un trastorno del mantenimiento del sueño, en el que uno se queda dormido pero se despierta con frecuencia o

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Speech therapy

Definition A method of treating speech disorders caused by a variety of factors, including mental retardation, hearing loss, emotional problems, pronunciation problems or stuttering, autism, brain trauma, and the sequelae of neurological disorders such as epilepsy and stroke. In particular, speech therapy is used to improve the language skills of children with speech delays, who

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What is love

Love includes strong positive emotions as well as strong negative emotions, such as longing and sadness. When the elements of friendship include passion and care, it becomes love. A secure attachment based on trust is the foundation of love. The love triangle theory of love envisions complete love as a fulfilling balance of intimacy, passion,

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Baseball Elbow

It”s a group of different elbow disorders caused by pitching, mainly in pitchers who throw a lot of changeups. It”s also known as an overuse syndrome because it”s caused by practicing too hard. Alternatively, it”s more specific to osteochondritis dissecans, a condition in which part of the joint between the bones falls off. In baseball,

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Sigmund Freud’s early theories were based on his notion that the main laws governing human psychology lie in the unconscious mind, and that problems such as neurotic symptoms and personality disorders are caused by unconscious conflicts arising from the inability to properly resolve the Oedipus complex. What is the Oedipus complex? term coined by Sigmund

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